Your new orthodontic braces represent an effective method for correcting the alignment of your teeth. This is done by attending routine adjustment appointments at Dr. John F. Lann’s orthodontic clinic.
Each of these sessions is designed to tighten the orthodontic hardware to gradually stretch the periodontal ligaments that anchor your teeth in the sockets. This will eventually attain their ideal alignment and position in your mouth.
Maintaining healthy gums throughout the alignment process will help reduce any post-adjustment discomfort. This includes a concerted effort at maintaining good oral hygiene throughout the realignment process.
Brushing each morning and night, thoroughly flossing your teeth at least once each day will help maintain healthy gums and prevent cavities.
If you’re having trouble flossing around wires or other braces components, you might want to try using waxed dental floss or a floss threader. This will help easily work the dental floss strand in place to help remove plaque and residual food particles trapped in the gumline.
Be sure to also floss behind each of your rear molars. This area can also trap bacterial deposits that could significantly impact the health of your gums.
If you had braces installed at Dr. John F. Lann’s orthodontic clinic in Round Rock, Texas, and you have oral hygiene concerns, you can always call 512-255-1025 to speak to one of the specialists at John F. Lann, DDS - Round Rock TX Dentist.