7700 Cat Hollow Drive #108, Round Rock, TX 78681

Flossing Alternatives For A Healthy Smile

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We all know to brush our teeth, twice a day. Many of us do so, for 2 minutes each time. We know that brushing removes plaque from teeth, keeping your teeth healthy and preventing cavities. But when it comes to flossing, some of us slack off. Why? Let’s review the hows and whys of flossing, as well as introduce some alternatives for those who struggle to maintain a daily flossing habit.

If you want your mouth to be healthy, you must clean between your teeth. Unfortunately, toothbrushes have a hard time getting into all the spaces of your mouth. Flossing, however, can reach places your toothbrush can’t reach–between teeth and behind your back molars, for example.

Interdental cleaning protects against plaque build-up between your teeth and along your gum line. If plaque builds up, it can lead to cavity formation, inflamed gums, or even gum disease. Advanced gum disease can cause major problems, such as tooth loss, persistent halitosis, and loss of supporting jaw bone structure.

If you struggle with traditional flossing, we have good news! There are alternatives for you, which, if exercised daily, will give similarly effective results. It could be as simple as using a pre-strung flosser, or floss designed for sensitive gums. If floss itself is a problem, try an alternative such as a specially designed dental pick (not a standard wooden toothpick), or a water flosser. These alternative are great for those with shaky or arthritic hands, a strong gag reflex, or other problem that makes it difficult to floss.

For more information, call John F. Lann, DDS - Round Rock TX Dentist in Round Rock, Texas, at 512-255-1025. Dr. John F. Lann and our team look forward to making your smile shine!