7700 Cat Hollow Drive #108, Round Rock, TX 78681

Salvation Army Angel Tree Program

Dr. Lann and Staff donated to the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program.  We sponsored four children ranging in ages from 5-11.  We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Merry Christmas wishes from Dr. Lann and Staff. http://www.salvationarmytexas.org/austin/programs-that-help/angel-tree/

New Dental Laser!

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=646047788751260&set=a.161392983883412.45124.157940400895337&type=1&relevant_count=1 Dr. Lann is happy to announce the successful installation of his new dental laser.

Tallest Building in America



We are excited to announce the addition of our new laser equipment!  Dr. Lann has added a Lightwalker all tissue Er:YAG & Nd:YAG laser for treating a broad range of conditions, including fillings!  Dr. Lann is training to use this new piece of equipment beginning in December of 2013.  http://www.lightwalkerlaser.com/en/

Old Jack

THE NAME "jack-o'-lantern" is of British origin and dates from the 17th century, when it literally meant "man with a lantern" (i.e., a night watchman). It was also a nickname for the natural phenomenon known as ignis fatuus (fool's fire) or "will o' the wisp," the mysterious, flickering lights sometimes seen at night over wetlands and associated in folklore with fairies and... read more »


:lol: Dr. Lann and Staff welcome our new Front Office Manager, Lisa!  Lisa has over 20 years of experience in the dental field.  Welcome Lisa!

Monthly Drawing

Congratulations to Keith M.!  Keith won a $50 gift card!  Enjoy Keith!

Labor Day Weekend!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!  Be safe and have fun.  For more information on the history of Labor Day, follow this link---  http://www.dol.gov/laborday/history.htm